Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year Resolutions

Usually every year along with Resolutions we make a list of things we would like to accomplish this year.
John: Resolution: Stop drinking pop, teach the puggles a new trick.
Bridgette: Resolution: Eat and be healthier.
Puggles: Learn a new trick, stop fighting with each other.

Things we want to Accomplish This Year:
Save more money.
Pay off Jeep.
Go camping in 2 new spots.
Go on a overnight hike.
Visit Ivan and Megan in Germany (around August since she is due on the 14th).
Open more songs in RockBand.

As you can see we usually want to accomplish more things than resolute. Which is ok with us!

1 comment:

-::bee::- said...

You can camp at our place.