Friday, January 9, 2009


Instead of cable and internet we thought we would save some money and just do Netflix (since we watch movies mostly anway). Netflix is amazing! For $15 a month we see about 16-20 movies a month. When we first started we got all New Release movies, now we are into the TV shows. We are watching Grey's Anatomy from Season 1 to Season 4 (I think that's the last one on DVD). We are only on season 2 disc 2 :) We are addicted to it. Every day when John gets home from work he goes to the mailbox to check for Netflix, if it's there all we do that night is eat and watch Grey's's bad...really bad :) The first time I really watched Grey's Anatomy (I've been addicted since) was in Asheville, NC with my two best friends Emily and Beffy. (I will continue with the Ashville story in another's pretty awesome). John has been addicted since last week on Season 1 disc 2 when Dr. McDreamy's wife shows up and Meredith doesn't know a thing about him being married. See it's the best show ever...until we start another TV on DVD :)

1 comment:

-::bee::- said...

Goodness gracious - you're still watching Grey's? I had no idea! To be perfectly honest, I only kept it up for 2 episodes after Asheville. Lost is our thing. Obsessively. And The Office. And 30 Rock.

On Netflix, have you tried the "Watch it Now" feature? Then you won't have to wait for the mail.