Monday, November 23, 2009


This year we have a lot to be thankful for. A lot has happened this year. We found out we were pregnant, John got laid off, we moved to a whole new place, we had to sell our house, Megan and Ivan moved to Germany and that they were also going to have a baby, my mom and I went to Germany to take Megan's cat's to her, we bought a house and had an amazing beautiful baby girl both within two weeks. We are thankful that John found a job that he really enjoys and that he can support us so I can stay home with Gretal. We are thankful for our families for helping us through the crazy and tough times of moving, having a baby and so on. We are thankful for our friends who have supported us in our decision to move and told us that they will come visit :) We are thankful for each other because without the support and love from each other we would not have been able to do everything we have done and be happy about it.
I love the holidays and I am excited to experience them differently this year. We are staying here in SLC for Thanksgiving and spending that time with Janene and her family and Grandma and Grandpa Vance are coming too. For Christmas we are going to drive to Spokane for a week and celebrate with both of our families.
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009