Monday, January 11, 2010

4 months ago

I can't believe it has been 4 months since Gretal was born. It seems like just yesterday I was changing diapers, and feeding at least 12 times a day. I remember thinking I don't know if I can handle much more of this, and that's about the time she started sleeping 6 hours at a time...and oh man that was a relief.
I love when she reaches for her toes and actually grabs them. I love that when she sees me she smiles so big that her whole face lights up. I love her big cheeks, big blue eyes and roley poley thighs. I love when she rubs her face in my neck when she's tired. I love that I know her tired cry, her hungry cry and her whiney cry...finally. She is starting to giggle now, except not at me, only at John and the puggles, and my dad...little turd :) I love when John comes home she gets really excited and starts kicking her legs and waving her hands for him to hold her. I love that she is a great baby.


Lacey said...

Ah, she's so sweet. It's weird to think she was in your belly just a short time ago huh? I'm glad you're enjoying it and she'll giggle at you in no time

Megan, Ivan and Anton said...

Miss Gretal... Giggle for your mommy!! I love you soo much and can't wait to get to see you again... I can't believe you are already four months old!! Bridge... we've found that Anton like's it when I sing the
R E S P E C T song to him... maybe try that!!

-::bee::- said...

I love that she nuzzles into your neck - isn't that the best? I love it when I'm holding Evey and she holds onto my shirt. It's like they're finally realizing who we are!

And try being funnier. Maybe you're too serious. :)

That's a joke.