Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sunday Dinner

This last Sunday we had our parents and my sister and Ivan over for Maui steaks. If you've never had a Maui steak you are missing out. This little grocery store on the North side of Spokane tenderizes and marinades steaks in this Maui marinade. They are so sweet and easy to chew...they are good! We also had horseradish mashed potatoes, jello, pasta salad, deviled eggs and brownies. It was an awesome dinner! Before everyone sat down for dinner John and I took off our sweatshirts and revealed our new t-shirts, mine said "I'm pregnant" and John's said "I got her pregnant". It took awhile for everyone to notice but they finally did. My mom freaked out, jumped up and down, screamed...the usual. John's parents were smiling and speechless, they were very excited too. So that was the real reason we had everyone over for dinner, to announce our soon to be new addition.

1 comment:

-::bee::- said...

That is the awesomest way to tell them! You guys are hilarious.